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Jeddah TV Complex

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Theatretech worked with Zuhair Fayez Partnership, and large multi-disciplinary design company locally based, to develop a new regional TV complex in Jeddah, Saud Arabia, for the Ministry of Information.


This project was part of providing regional complexes in major centres throughout the Kingdom, which developed local news and content, all of which was then uploaded to the central TV station in the capital Riyadh from whence it was broadcast nationally.


The images show that the project was completed in 2008 as old technology was apparent, before flat screens, digital and HD developments, but the reasoning behind the design is still current. This complex had a News Studio, a ‘Live’ Studio and a full scale Production Studio, and was fully equipped for all requirements. There was separate editing suites, voice over booths, archive storage etc.


Theatretech were subsequently consultants for a similar complex in Dammam, on the Gulf coast, which was equipped with digital equipment – see separate folder.

Jeddah TV Complex 01
Jeddah TV Complex 02
Jeddah TV Complex 03
Jeddah TV Complex 04
Jeddah TV Complex 05
Jeddah TV Complex 06
Jeddah TV Complex 07
Jeddah TV Complex 08
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